Happy Friday!

Didn’t we have a great Homecoming Sunday last week…. that August rite of passage in the church! 

But before we can turn around, it’s going to be September! Little bits of crisp air and apples and new school clothes….. and FOOTBALL!!!  I love fall, always have. It is the season when I was born into this world. It always brings back wonderful childhood memories. And I still love it……….. even though around the church it means meetings and paperwork and reports that must get done.

Every fall, each of the 440 churches, the 1,000 clergy and the 220,000 lay members in the North Georgia Conference have what is called a Charge Conference, a time to report on the ministry that has been done during the year, an evaluation of the pastor, the financial status of the church, the new members coming into the church as well as those who have left. It’s important work. Because not only do we report on what happened, we report on some goals and a vision that we trust God to help us meet in the future.

Our Charge Conference will be on October 30. The District Superintendent will visit with us, celebrate with us, and encourage us. It will be exciting. But between now and then, there is lots of work to get done, lots of goals to set and plans to make.

Love you all! See you Sunday!

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Martha