Whitesburg Area Christian Ministries
In 2016 eight local churches, including Whitesburg United Methodist Church, came together to create Whitesburg Area Christian Ministries.
THE VISION is to establish a Whitesburg Area Christian Ministries facility that would house the food pantry and offer other services such as clothing closet and pantry for other nonfood items that are not covered by food stamps. Establish a Handy-Man Committee to assist our senior citizens, in the community, with simple repairs. Work closely with Whitesburg Clinic to see what the needs are in the community. The ministries would provide spiritual support and prayer to those in need.
This information was gathered from the Whitesburg Food Pantry website.

Food Pantry
Whitesburg United Methodist Church is involved, with other churches, in helping to feed those in need, through the Food Pantry that is operated via The Whitesburg Area Christian Ministries. The Food Pantry is opened the first and third Thursday of each month from the hours 9:30am - 11:00pm.
You must first sign-in at the Whitesburg United Methodist Church (across from Whitesburg Elementary School) then you will directed to the food pantry located at
776 Main Street, Whitesburg, Ga.
Food donations (non-perishable food) can be dropped-off anytime and place on the donation table. Also, on the first and third Monday of each month from 9:00am - 11:00am.
This information was gathered from the Whitesburg Food Pantry website.

Christmas Angels
Whitesburg United Methodist Church, along with other local churches and businesses, work with the Whitesburg Care Fund on their Christmas Angels project. The Whitesburg Care Fund, working with Whitesburg Elementary School, helps provide for families needing assistance through the Christmas season. Whitesburg United Methodist Church is one of the local churches that donates money to the Whitesburg Care Fund and sponsors "Angels" so that needy children in the Whitesburg area will receive Christmas Gifts. The Whitesburg Care Fund is guided by Lucy Gamble, Shirley Robinson and Patricia Whatley who are a blessing to our community.
Shirley Robinson of the Whitesburg Care Fund supplied information on the Whitesburg Care Fund and Christmas Angels.