Good Friday Afternoon!

Well, we have officially made it through our Campmeeting Summer!   I have loved it! I hope you have too!  Great gospel music from The Walkers, the informal services, the music, the Bingo and cornhole, the patriotic Sunday, the guest speakers, the WACUM Sunday, the movie night, the walk through the first part of Acts as we looked at the early church. It was all great! And I think we enjoyed each other’s company and that we honored God in some exciting ways.

But wait, there is more! (Sounds like an infomercial, doesn’t it?)  

One more campmeeting service this Sunday…… it will be led by our wonderful choir director Bev Bynum and will include lots of revival music and hymns from Cokesbury! I will offer prayer and a short meditation. Hope you will be there. I would love this service to be just a real celebration of our church. For there is much to celebrate!

This is a great time for me to say Thank You…… thank you for your support, your presence, your involvement in the activities of the church, your generosity…. Thank you for your love!

At our Unified Council meeting tomorrow we will be setting the date for our 2024 Planning Retreat. Be listening for that and make sure you attend. We decided year before last that we would put a real emphasis on reaching out to the community by hosting cultural and informational events at the church. We are also excited about our social media presence and are working to improve our technology in order to make our outreach even more appealing. It is true that we are small. And many of us are older. But, we are the church! And we can be the church perfectly by being ourselves and letting God lead the way!  I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE MIGHT LEAD US!!!!!

Love you all!

Rev. Martha