Greetings Whitesburg UMC!

I’ve spent the afternoon watching the opening ceremonies for the Paris Olympics. I didn’t mean to. I just meant to turn it on for a minute. But I got completely engrossed! It was beautiful! The youth, the athletes, the strength, the flag, the torch, the music, the city, the Seine River, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the history and emotion all played out in a rain that would not stop. For about two weeks every four years, we have the opportunity if we choose to take our minds off politics and war and division and the little complications of life……………… and turn it toward hope and strength and determination and FUN! We get to see athletes from all over the world, of all colors, of all nationalities, of all genders, come together and do what they love to do, to compete in the sport in which they excel.

We get to be a part of a vision of peace. Even if it’s only for a little while.

I hope you enjoy at least a little bit of the 2024 Olympics. There’s lots to choose from – gymnastics or swimming or volleyball or running or basketball or sliding down a tunnel in the snow. Watch the pure joy, the pure hope, the pure love in the faces of the athletes. It is that same joy and hope and love that God wants for each of us every day of our lives. The church is where we train together! The love of God is where we live! Hope to see you on Sunday!

Love you all and can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

Grace and Peace and Love,

Rev. Martha