Happy Independence Day to everyone!

Jim and I have just returned from our family vacation week in the mountains. I had hoped to see a bear in the woods – but, alas, none came to meet me. The family told me that was probably for the best….. but I sure would like to see one! I know many of you are traveling this summer. I’ve been praying that we all stay safe and experience some much needed relaxation and fun as we explore this very cool and wonderful world that God has created!

But if you are here, I want you to know that I am looking forward to seeing you in church on Sunday. We will be remembering and celebrating the great privilege of freedom. I’m afraid I have to admit that too often I take freedom for granted. I forget that it is a freedom that was earned by your and my ancestors, many who gave their very lives. It is also a freedom that can be taken away if we are not paying attention and united.

Freedom to live as we like is so important to us…….but it is nowhere near the freedom to worship as we like – to worship God through whichever religion or faith we choose. God is a lover of all people. So should we be as well. The scripture will be Deuteronomy 10:17-21. Hope to see you there! If you remember, wear red, white and blue!

Love you all! Can’t wait to see you on Sunday!  Have a happy and safe July 4th!

Please pray for me as I pray for you!

Rev. Martha