Good Afternoon Everyone!

I am so grateful that almost exactly four years ago Rev. Dr. Jessica Terrell, my good friend and our District Superintendent, called me on the phone and asked if I might be interested in leaving a fully retired life and coming to serve Whitesburg UMC on a part time basis. I looked back at the records a minute ago and saw that my appointment here began on June 1, 2020. I remember!  That is about 200 sermons ago! Right in the midst of Covid. Also right in the midst of what for me was a time in which I really felt the Lord leading me. I just wanted you all to know that I love you and that I am so thankful for the ministry that we share. Thank you for loving Jim and me, for trusting us, and for allowing us to be a part of the family.  We plan on being here for all the tomorrows the Lord provides!

Our CAMPMEETING SUMMER SUNDAYS have begun! We will be reading from the Book of Acts each Sunday. I encourage you to go ahead and read the whole thing to remind yourself of all that happened as the church was born. Also, remember that music will be a special part of our worship this summer. On Sunday, June 30, you will want to make sure to be here to hear a wonderful gospel group called THE WALKERS. Members are Tony Duck, Wayne and Rena Walker, Betty Frass and Terry Mitchell. Following the 11 AM concert, we will share a covered dish meal. Please come and invite your friends! It is going to be a wonderful day!

We celebrate with Alan Caldwell as his first book, However Small and Hidden, has been released.  Order from Amazon or attend one of Alan’s book signings (TBA) in July. We are so very proud of you, Alan on both your retirement and this new writing adventure in your life!  

Lots of us are traveling this summer and enjoying time with family and friends. Please know that we pray for you when you are not in worship and ask God for safety and travel mercies as you enjoy vacation time!

See you all on Sunday as we begin another year together!


Rev. Martha