Good Friday Afternoon!

I hope you are all well and embracing summer! Because it seems to be here and not going anywhere soon!  Jim climbed in the attic this morning to change the belt on the attic fan…… not one of his favorite jobs – but at least it keeps us from having to turn on the dreaded air conditioner before June!

We are getting ready for Memorial Day weekend – in the morning, I’ll put on my band costume (black pants and white shirt) and Jim and I will go to Veterans’ Park for a concert and program to remember those who lost their lives in the military. I don’t think anyone in my family over the last century was killed in the war…… but I can imagine what it would be like. To know that husband, father, son, brother, wife, sister, mother…..were just not coming home. That they had paid the ultimate price for freedom.  What heroes!

That’s who we will honor on Sunday in worship. We’ll talk about the importance of remembrance, of memorial, not only in our worldly lives, but in our spiritual ones as well. That was what Jesus encouraged his disciples at the last meal they shared together – remember this night; remember me!  For I will never leave you.

So I hope you will all be there to share in the thanksgiving and gratitude we all share for those who lost their lives for the good of the nation and for those who lost the ones they loved.


Mark Your Calendars:

Sunday, June 2 at 6:00 PM – Campmeeting Summer Kickoff at the church.

Sunday, June 30 – Walkers and Friends – an 11AM service of gospel music!


Have a great Saturday. But get to bed early so we can see each other in church! Love you all!

Rev. Martha