Happy Friday, Everyone!

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in church on Sunday. I hope the pews are packed!  I hope you will all wear RED! But don’t say I didn’t warn you……come at your own risk!!!!  Because Sunday is going to be a dangerous Sunday! You might get burned by the fire! You might get blown by the wind!  You might leave with your hair in a mess! Here’s what it says in the hymnal about Sunday: O God, the Holy Spirit, come to us, and among us; come as the wind and cleanse us; come as the fire, and burn; come as the dew and refresh; convict, convert, and consecrate many hearts and lives to our great good and to thy greater glory; and this we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake. AMEN.

 So, be careful!  Sunday is PENTECOST SUNDAY, the day we celebrate the birth of the church. The day we read from the second chapter of Acts all about the fire and the wind and the many different languages.  It is also the Sunday we recognize that the church could never exist were it not for Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit to burn just beneath the surface, right there under the floorboards. The song goes, There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in this Place. And indeed there is! It’s a spirit who guides our conversations, our prayers, our love for one another. It is a spirit who picks us up when we fall and encourages us to look ahead to what God has in store for us. It is a spirit who begs us to forgive one another and who teaches us how to be kind. I don’t know about you, but I am so very grateful when I realize that when Jesus put us in charge of this church, he didn’t leave us alone to figure it out for ourselves. He left us a comforter, a guide, a leader to keep us on the right path.

So see you Sunday…… if you dare!!!!!   I promise your heart will be warmed!

Love you all! Oh, I almost forgot. Sunday after next is Memorial Day Sunday. We would like to recognize those from our individual families who lost their life while serving in the military. If someone (an uncle, aunt, grandfather, etc.) died while in service, please send me their name and a little information, so I can put in the bulletin. Thank you!

See you Sunday!

Rev. Martha