Greetings Easter People!

I hope you have had a wonderful Easter week, and that you have finished all the left overs from Easter dinner and have found every one of the Easter eggs in your yard! (One year we hid them in the house, and there was one unfound egg…… oh, boy! a week or so later it was not hard to find at all!!)

I have been enjoying seeing all the families walking by our house who are on Spring break – just relaxing and having fun and catching their breath! To rest and renew is so important. The Contemporary English version of the Bible says, “By the seventh day, God had finished all the work he had to do, so he rested.” So should we!

I have been resting this week and living in the memories of Holy Week and Easter Day. Thank you all again for all the time and energy you all gave toward our worship during the week. It meant so much to me, and I hope it did to you as well. Walking with Jesus and the disciples is no piece of cake! I am even more grateful for all they did for us Christians who have followed in their footsteps.

So, now that Easter is over, we need to remind ourselves of what it all means. How are we supposed to live our lives in the light of the resurrection?  How did the death an resurrection of Jesus make the world different? That’s what the sermon Sunday and for the next few Sundays will be about: Where do we go from here? I hope you will be there on what is called “Low Sunday”, supposedly the least attended Sunday of the year!  The scripture is I John – all about the light! Here’s a little homework for you: Go on You Tube and find a song called “Lean In Toward the Light” by Carrie Newcomer. I am just in love with that song – and I think that’s what John is telling us. God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. That’s what we are going to be talking about for the next few weeks. How do we crawl into and walk around in that light? How do we become light ourselves? What difference could that kind of light make to a dark world?  Cool stuff!!


Here are a few things to remember:

We will be beginning a new Sunday School study this week. It is called Unrelenting Grace: A United Methodist Way of Life. At this new crossroads in the life of the UMC, this study is for everyone, whether you are new to Methodism or have been around all your life. I hope you will come. I will be leading it, and will be there to answer any questions you might have about where we have been and where we are going, as well as how the amazing grace of God is always there to lead us, to bless us, and to grow us up into more mature Christian people.

If you are interested in Outreach and Missions, come to the Outreach Team meeting on Tuesday, April 9 at 11:30. It is never enough to stay within the walls of the church. Jesus (and Jon Wesley) call us to make the world our parish!

Our Women’s Fellowship is being rekindled! The group will have its first gathering on Thursday, April 25 at 6:30 in the evening at the home of Rev. Linda Hessel, 156 Long Island Drive in Whitesburg.


Have a wonderful Saturday. But get to bed early so you can get to church! You are always, always missed when you are not there! I love you and am counting on your prayers! I am surely praying for you!



Rev. Martha